Who is this course addressed to
IT architects, IT mid-level managers, IT consultants
Format of the course
currently 100% lectures, but some tests could be added
General knowledge of distributed computing and application development concepts.
Course Outline
1. First Things First: Enterprise and Application Architecture
- Definition of (Enterprise) Architecture
What drives the need for architecture?
Architecture objectives, standards and frameworks
- Logical vs. physical architectures
- Common application architecture patterns
Multi-step Process pattern
Composite Application pattern
2.SOA Phase 1
- The pieces of the SOA puzzle
- How SOA enables business strategies
- Services and SOA defined
- What is the notion of “Applications” in SOA?
- The Service Layer model
Infrastructure services
Application services
Orchestration services
- SOA Case study
Sample outline for an SOA Blueprint document
Sample business event walk-through
- Key SOA characteristics
Architecture level loose coupling
Service level loose coupling
- Next Generation SOA
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous services
SOA in the cloud
- SOA and standards
- SOA challenges
3.Service- or Resource-Oriented Architecture, or Both?
- Representational State Transfer (REST)
The concept of resources
The uniform interface
Architectural constraints
What about business logic?
Perceived deficiencies of REST
- When to use REST, when to use a traditional SOA
REST as the choice to support the presentation layer
The synergy of Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and REST
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) vs. XML for RIAs
Case study
Conceptual architecture
RESTful vs. SOAP-type Services
4.Managing the SOA Evolution: SOA Maturity Models & Roadmap
- Defining the goals – SOA maturity models
- The Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM)
Maturity dimensions
Maturity levels
How to asses your SOA maturity
- Example – Progress Software Maturity Model
- How do we get there – developing a SOA Roadmap
- Case study: mapping a Maturity Model to a Roadmap
5.From Chaos to Order: SOA Governance & the IT Organization
- Why SOA needs governance
- Business vs. IT vs. EA vs. SOA Governance
- Categories of SOA Governance
- Design time governance
- Run time governance
- SOA Governance goals
- SOA Center of Excellence (COE)
Roles and responsibilities within the IT organization
6.Get a Running Start with SOA Governance Frameworks
- Open Group standards
SOA Governance Reference Model (SGRM)
SOA Governance Vitality Method (SGVM)
- IBM SOA Governance and Management Method (SGMM)
7. A ROI Calculator For SOA – Let The Numbers Do the Talking
- Approaches to ROI calculation
- Case Study
Business process walk-through
Architecture scope
Architecture overview
Service layer model
- ROI Through Service Reuse
ROI Defined
ROI Model for Software Reuse
- Reuse beyond the core application project
- Conclusions
Keeping track of reuse
8.The New Frontier: Cloud Computing
- Cloud definition
How did we get here? From application hosting to SaaS to public & private cloud
Chose your flavor: IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS?
- Moving applications into the cloud
Resource virtualization
Automated, on-demand provisioning of resources
Shared infrastructure and applications
9.The Synergy of SOA and Cloud Computing
- SOA and cloud are complementary
- SOA/Cloud synergy
SOA + SaaS
SOA + PaaS
SOA + IaaS
- Putting it all together: the SOA-Cloud
10.Across Application Silos: The Integration Landscape
- The integration landscape – the big picture
- Data level integration
Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)
- Interface level integration (a.k.a. application integration)
The messaging backbone
Data transformation
Content-based routing
Establishing application connectivity through adapters
Integration design patterns
- Service Oriented Integration (SOI)
Advantages over traditional Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
11.From Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to Internet Service Bus (ISB)
- The Enterprise Service Bus
Introducing the ESB
Conceptual ESB architectures
How do enterprises use ESBs today?
- The need for cloud integration and its challenges
From ESB to “Internet Service Bus” (ISB)
- The product landscape – ESB and ISB examples
12.Putting It All Together: Developing an Integration Strategy for Your Company
- Classification of integration architectures by the degree of coupling
- Approaches to leverage and migrate legacy systems
- Comparison of integration approaches and technologies
Decision criteria for selecting a particular approach
- Integration with the data architecture
- Summary of the seminar
- Outlook: SOA, Cloud, mobile and the consumerization of IT