A lot of courses deal with Brand Management but only few of them focuses on Business to Business branding. This course focuses on B2B branding which is substantially different from B2C brand management.
Course Outline
B2B Branding Characteristics
- Differences between B2C and B2B branding
- B2B brand Relevance
- Power of the Business Brand
B2B Branding Dimensions
- Brand Distinction
- Brand Communication
- Brand Evaluation
- Brand Specialities
B2B Branding Process
- Brand Planning
- Brand Analysis
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Building
- Brand Audit
B2B Success Stories
- Samsung
- Siemens
- Lenovo
Branding Pitfalls
- Is a brand something you own?
- Do brands take care of themselves?
- Brand Awareness vs. Brand Relevance
- Can Outsiders do your brand job?
Branding in Big Picture
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Branding in East Asia
- Design and Branding
- Brand Leadership