Cucumber.js is a native JavaScript implementation of Cucumber.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to write and execute BDD (Behavior Driven Devleopment) style test cases using Cucumber and Javascript.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Run automated tests written in the human-readable language, Gherkin
- Use Cucumber based test cases to improve communication and collaboration between technical and non-technical teams
- Integrate Cucumber.js with other testing frameworks such as Protractor for testing Angular applications
Format of the course
- Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice
- Experience with testing and knowledge of automated testing
- Experience with Javascript programming
- Software test engineers
- Developers
Course Outline
- Business Driven Development (BDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)
- BDD as a collaboration tool for software engineers, test engineers and business people
Defining your project requirements
Setting up your environment for web application testing
Gherkin: writing your stories in a user-friendly language
The anatomy of the Feature file
Writing your first feature
Writing scenarios for your feature
Writing step definitions
Passing parameters to Steps
Creating scenario outlines to pass multiple arguments
Sharing data between steps
Organizing features and scenarios with tags
Setup and teardown
Testing Angular applications with Cucumber.js
Integrating Cucumber.js with Protractor
Closing remarks