Learn Git & GitHub from Automation Testing Projects view point
Understand Git Workflow (via Git Bash & Eclipse IDE)
Get a practical insight into Automation Test Manager’s Activities pertaining to GitHub & Git
Gain confidence in Automation Tester’s Activities in relation to Git & GitHub
Grasp how Git collaboration & resolving conflicts work
- Ideally basic understanding of automation testing – that being said, since the course is FREE, give it a try !
- And you simply need to be committed and passionate to ‘Become an effective Automation Tester’ !
Are you thinking of moving from Manual to Automation Testing?
Then you should be aware that Test Automation is certainly in high demand and similar to various automation tools, Git & GitHub tools are quite significant and are the most commonly used version control tools for Automation Testing.
So, learn Git & GitHub for Automation Testing covering Basics to Advanced – from Automation Testing Projects view-point.
The key objectives of the Course is to learn Git & GitHub and gain understanding of Git workflow using Git Bash CLI & Git for Eclipse.
This realistic course covers “How to get started with Git & GitHub for Automation Testing” to “How to practice Git workflow using Git Bash CLI and Git within Eclipse” and then ‘How to collaborate with the Automation team for version controlling”.
Learn Git & GitHub for Automation Testing practically and as industry expects from an Automation Tester.
Likewise, students would get a practical and hands-on insight into Automation Test Manager’s Activities & Automation Test Engineering activities. With the right exposure to Git & GitHub, you should be able to work and collaborate within the automation testing team.
Note: this course caters for Git & GitHub tools only and does NOT cover Automation tools like Cucumber, Selenium WebDriver or REST-assured.
Who this course is for:
- This course is most suitable for Manual Testers who are aiming to break into Test Automation
- Automation testers who are keen on revising or improving existing Git/GitHub knowledge or skill (Git Bash & Git in Eclipse)
Course content
9 sections • 34 lectures • 1h 0m total lengthExpand all sections
SCM / Version Controlling Overview3 lectures • 5min
- Course Introduction02:06
- Version Controlling – Background01:08
- Version Controlling – Benefits01:22
Automation Test Manager’s Key Activities2 lectures • 1min
- Automation Test Manager’s Activities01:04
- Useful Links00:04
GitHub & Git Setup4 lectures • 8min
- Install Git Client and Git Eclipse plugin01:29
- GitHub – Generate token01:14
- Create a Repository on GitHub04:34
- Update .gitignore00:58
Git Workflow11 lectures • 19min
- Clone using Git client03:06
- Working Directory01:36
- Automation Project code00:02
- Copy Automation Project Code to Local Git Repo02:30
- Git commands00:07
- Git workflow – Add01:41
- Git workflow – Commit01:01
- Git workflow – Push to remote branch01:56
- Git workflow – Pull from remote branch01:30
- Import Maven Project from Git Local Repo (in Eclipse)04:25
- Git workflow summary00:53
Add Collaborators1 lecture • 1min
- Add Collaborators on GitHub01:15
Automation Tester’s Activities4 lectures • 6min
- Accept invitation from Test Manager01:30
- Clone Repository02:17
- Import Project into Eclipse00:35
- Git configuration – Email & Username01:20
Collaboration4 lectures • 11min
- Make changes to automation project04:11
- Git workflow via Eclipse03:21
- History01:33
- Merge changes02:14
Handling Code Conflicts4 lectures • 9min
- Code conflicts04:58
- Resolving code conflicts02:00
- Creating a branch00:39
- Tips: Automation Tester’s Activities01:27
Bonus1 lecture • 1min
- Exclusive Student Discounts00:03