Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based around the concept of objects. OOP is more data-focused rather than logic-focused. Python is a high-level programming language famous for its clear syntax and code readibility.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to get started with Object-Oriented Programming using Python.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Understand the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
- Understand the OOP syntax in Python
- Write their own object-oriented program in Python
- Beginners who would like to learn about Object-Oriented Programming
- Developers interested in learning OOP in Python
- Python programmers interested in learning OOP
Format of the course
- Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice
- Basic familiarity with programming
Course Outline
Overview of Object-Oriented Programming
- What is Object-Oriented Programming?
- Why Learn Object-Oriented Programming?
Understanding Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Understanding Classes
- Understanding Objects and Instances
- Understanding Variables
- Understanding Data Encapsulation
- Understanding Class Inheritance
Refresher on Python Programmming Language
Getting Started with Object-Oriented Programming with Python
- Implementing a Simple Class in Python
- Creating an Instance of a Class
- Understanding Methods and Definition of Methods
- Using the __init__ Method
- Using the __del__ Method
- Setting Public, Protected, and Private Members
Adding Methods, Attributes, and Properties to Your Class
Creating and Using an Object from Your Class
Using Class Variables versus Instance Variables
Using Super-Classes for Inheritance
Using Multiple Inheritance
Using Iterators
Adding Iterating Functionality to Objects Using __iter__() Method
Creating Your Project: Simulating a Banking System Using OOP with Python
Closing Remarks