This course teaches how to design and execute decisions with OMG DMN (Decision Model and Notation) standard.
Basic understanding of BPMN 2.0
Course Outline
BPMN 2.0 review
- BPMN is for processes
- How decisions are modelled using BPMN?
- Exercises
- Rules vs. decisions
- Short history
- Basic concepts
- Decision requirements
- Scope and uses of DMN (human and automated decision making)
Decision Requirements
- Decision Requirements Graphs (DRG)
- Decision Requirements Diagrams (DRD)
- Decision
- Business Knowledge Model
- Input Data
- Knowledge Source
- Decision Tables
- Single hit policies (U, A, P, F)
- Multiple hit policies (C, O, R)
- Simple Expression Language (S-FEEL)
- Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL)
Overview of Execution
- Tools available on the market
- Simple scenarios and workshop for executing the decision tables