The objective of the course is to enable participants to gain a mastery of the basics and applications of Adobe Technical Communication Suite.
Course Outline
Adobe Framemaker
- Understanding the FrameMaker model and its word processing and desktop publishing features.
- Difference between structured and unstructured Framemaker
- Working with framemaker documents, paragraph formats, page layout
- The Structured Environment, Recognise DITA topics and maps and the elements which are to be used in the creation of content.
- Attributes, The element catalog
- Working with Text Elements
- Insert content using elements which are moved, deleted, merged or split as required
- Object Elements
- Table Elements, customising tables
- Importing Files into a Structured Flow
- Validation of structured files to ensure that all DITA rules are adhered to.
- Indexing
- Master Pages
- Book Building
- Tables of Contents
- Anchored frames and Graphics
- Insert, modify and delete cross–references and variables within documents and between files
- Create documents for distribution in various formats
Adobe Captivate
- Product Overview and the Design Process/Describing Captivate Projects
- Recording a Software Demonstration/The difference between simulations and demonstrations.
- Working with Text Captions and the Timeline
- Working with Images and objects
- Pointer Paths, Buttons and Highlight Boxes
- Converting Demonstrations into Simulations/recording an interactive simulation
- Rollovers and Zoom Areas
- Slide Labels, Notes and Audio
- Animation and Flash Video
- Using e-learning features
- Creating Quizzes
- MenuBuilder and Publishing Projects
Adobe Robohelp
- Introduction to Robohelp/Workspaces, topics, TOC, generate HTML help, generate WebHelp, generate complicant and responsive HTML.
- Create new projects and add content – import html, word, framemaker, pdf etc.
- Project structure and CSS
- Editing content
- Creating links to other documents, hyperlinks, bookmarks etc.
- Inserting images and multimedia
- Reusing content
- Indexes, search and glossaries,
- Skins and master pages
- Docs, Ebooks and scripts