Agile Business Analysis Training Course


This course focuses on the business analyst role to be successful on Agile projects. Course participants will learn how to cooperate with the Team, Product Owner, Scrum Master as well as with the Customer to facilitate the development process. Participants will go through a mock project practising common scenarios.

Course Outline

Agile/Scrum Principles

  • Goals and Agile/Scrum suitability
  • Other Agile methologies
  • Scrum Process
  • Scrum Roles
  • BA Role in Scrum
  • Roles and suitable personality charater

Initiating a Scrum Project

  • Initial Meeting
  • Milestone Estimations
  • BA activities on a Scrum project
  • Exercise: Mock Initial Meeting
  • Product Baclog management
  • Who can modify product backlog
  • User Stories, Theme, Epics and Stories Groups
  • Exercise: User stories
  • Selecting user stotires to go into interation
  • Focusing on releasing usable funcaltiy in a single interation
  • Exercises

Scrum Process

  • BA meetings involvment
  • Scrum Estimation and Planning
  • Daily Scrum Meeting
  • Presentation Meeting
  • Retrospection Meeting
  • BA and user acceptance tests
  • Roles of Automated Testing, Domain Driven Design, etc…
  • Dealing with non-functional requirements
  • Exercises

Roles Relations

  • BA vs PO
  • BA vs Scrum Master
  • BA invovment with team members

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