This course aims at providing software testers with the required knowledge and skills in order to perform quality assurance tests for software applications that were developed for the Android platform. This course overviews the Android platform capabilities and provides you with up-to-date practices for performing the tests.
Course Outline
- What is Android?
- Android SDK
- Android JVM
- The Software Stack
- The Development Tools (ADT)
- User Interface
- Installing Development Tools
- Content Providers
- Services
- Intents
- Activities
- Views
- Configuration File
- Simple Hello World
- Application Artifacts
- Asset Packaging Tool
- Entry Point Activity
- Intent
- Calling Other Activities
- The Activities Stack
- Paused & Stopped Activities
- SQLite Database
- System Management
- Separated Processes
- Component & Integration Architecture
Application Resources
- What are Resources?
- String Resources
- Layout Resources
- Code Samples
- Resource Reference Syntax
- Compiled Resources
- Compiled Animation Files
- Compiled Bitmaps
- Compiled UI View Definitions
- Compiled Arrays
- Compiled Colors
- Compiled Strings
- Compiled Styles
- Compiled Arbitrary Raw XML Files
- Uncompiled Resources
- The .apk File
- Assets
- Assets & Resources Directory Structure
The Intent Concept
- Introduction
- Intent Filter
- Use Intent to Start Activity
- Android Available Intentions
- Code Samples
- Intent Categories
- Late Run-Time Binding
- Use Intent to Start Service
- Broadcast Receivers
- The Intent Object Structure
- The Intent Component Name
- The Intent Action
- The Intent Data
- The Intent Category
- The Intent Extras
- The Intent Flags
- Intents Resolution
- Intent Filter Structure
- The Action Test
- The Category Test
- The Data Test
- Multiple Matches
- Android Predefined Intents
- Samples
User Interface Controls
- Introduction
- GUI Sample in Source Code
- GUI Sample in XML
- GUI Sample in XML & Source Code
- TextView
- TextView Sample
- TextView Style Sample
- EditText
- EditText Sample
- AutoCompleteTextView
- AutoCompleteTextView Sample
- MultiAutoCompleteTextView
- MultiAutoCompleteTextView Sample
- Button
- Button Sample
- ImageButton
- ImageButton Sample
- ToggleButton
- ToggleButton Sample
- CheckBox Control
- CheckBox Control Sample
- RadioButton Control
- RadioButton Control Sample
- ListView
- ListView Sample
- GridView Control
- GridView Control Sample
- Date & Time Controls
- Gallery Controller
- MapView
- WebView
Layout Managers
- Introduction
- LinearLayout
- Layout Weight
- Gravity
- Samples
- TableLayout
- Padding Properties
- RelativeLayout
- AbsoluteLayout
- FrameLayout
- TabsHost
Menus and Dialogs
- Introduction
- Menu Interface
- MenuItem Interface
- SubMenu Interface
- Menu Items Group
- Menu Items Attributes
- Container Menu Items
- System Menu Items
- Secondary Menu Items
- Alternative Menu Items
- Creating Menu,Sample
- Menu Items Groups
- Menu Items Events Handling
- Overriding Callback Function
- Define Listener
- Using Intents
- Expanded Menu
- Icon Menus
- Sub Menus
- System Menus
- Context Menus
- Samples
- Handling Menu Events
- Creating Menu using XML
- Alert Dialog
- Prompt Dialog
- Samples
Location Based Services
- Introduction
- The Map Key
- The MD-5 Signature
- Google Maps Key
- Required Permissions
- Code Sample
- The Map Controller
- Code Samples
- Maps Overlays
- Code Samples
- The Geocoder Class
- The Address Class
- The LocationManager Class
- The LocationListener Interface
- The Debug Monitor Service (DMS)
Android Security Model
- Introduction
- Deployment
- The keytool Utility
- The jarsigner Utility
- Deployment using Eclipse
- Separated Processes
- Declarative Permission Model
Application Life Cycle
- Introduction
- Activity Life Cycle Methods
- The onStart() and onResume() Methods
- The onPause() and onStope() Methods
- Return Back to Previous Activity
- The onStop() and onDestroy() Methods
- The onCreate() Method
- The onPause() Method
SQLite Database
- Introduction
- SQLite Implementation
- The SQLiteOpenHelper Class
- The onCreate() Method
- The onUpgrade() Method
- The onOpen() Method
- The getWriteableDatabase() Method
- The getReadableDatabase() Method
- The SQLiteDatabase Class,The execSQL() Method
- The insert() Method,The delete() Method
- The rawQuery() Method()
- Code Samples
- The query() Method
- Code Samples
- Introduction
- Android Built-In Content Providers
- SQLite Database
- Content Providers Architecture
- Content Providers Registration
- Content Providers REST Access
- Content Providers URL Structure
- Content Providers Mime Types
- Using Content Provider
- Retrieving Records
- Adding Records
- The Cursor Object
- The ContentValues() Object
- Content Provider Demo
File Management
- Introduction
- Creating Files
- Accessing Simple Files
- Accessing Raw Resources
- XML Files Resources
- SD Card External Storage
Background Applications
- Introduction
- Services
- Background Threads
- Making Toasts
- Notifications
- Other System Services
- Background Activity Sample
Activity Data
- Introduction
- The Intent Class
- Start Activity Methods
- Passing Data between Activities
- Coherent User Experience
- Code Sample
Web View
- Introduction
- The WebView Class
- The android.webkit Package
- The INTERNET Permission
- The loadUrl() Method
- JavaScript Support
- The loadData() Method
- The WebView Methods
- The WebViewClient Class
- The WebChromeClient Class
Java Language
- Introduction
- The Limits
- Third Party Java Libraries
- Introduction
- Eclipse Java Editor
- Eclipse Java Debugger
- Logcat
- Android Debug Bridge
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
- Traceview
- Introduction
- The SensorManager Class
- The SensorListenr Interface
- Introduction
- Default Resources
- Current Locale
- Testing
- Custom Locale
- Code Samples
Speech Input
- Introduction
- The RecognizerIntent Class
- Start Speech Recognition
- Google Server Side
- The Language Model
- Free Form Language Model
- Web Search Language Model
Development Tools
- Introduction
- The aapt Tool
- The adb Tool
- The android Tool
- The ddms Tool
- The dx Tool
- The draw9patch Tool
- The emulator Tool
Android Applications Testing Practices – 4 Hours
Automated Testing
- JUnit Testing
- Using Assertions
- Instrumentation Framework
On Device Testing
- User Interface & Consistency
- Functionality of Interaction with the OS
- Networking Testing
- Stress Test Conditions
- International Support Testing
- General Requirements
On Device Remote Testing
- DeviceAnywhere Platform
- Scenarios To Be Care Of