AngularJS Advanced Training Course


This course has been created for developers working with AngularJS, but who want to understand clearly best practises of using the framework. It doesn’t cover the basics of angular but focuses on methods and styles of developing SPA usually not easy to learn “naturally” or via self-study.

This course usually runs on the latest stable release of Angular (1.x), but older or beta version can be covered on demand.


Solid knowledge of AngularJS. Good knowledge of Javascript. Subjects covered in should be familiar to the participants.

Course Outline

Super Short Introduction

  • Binding Variables
  • Build-in directives and their scope
  • Data entry
  • Scope and rootScope
  • Collections
  • Controllers
  • Services
  • Filters

Angular Patterns

  • Factories
  • Services
  • IoC

MVC in depth

  • Angular MVC
  • Fat controler vs fat model and consequences
  • Creating own controllers
  • Different ways of dependency injections
  • Minifying and consequences of using paramer names


  • Creating menus
  • Modifying url
  • HTML5 history object

Directive Development

  • creating own directives
  • managing associated controlers
  • creating own module with directives
  • animation controls in custom directives

REST Services

  • Using web services
  • Ajax


  • Angular and CSS3
  • ngAnimate

Mobile Design in Agnular

  • Responsible
  • Separate version fo mobile


  • Unit Testing
  • Available frameworks
  • Karma
  • Testing Controllers
  • Dependency Injection in testing
  • BDD Testing
  • Available frameworks
  • Jasmine
  • E2E (End to End Testing) testing
  • WebdriverJS
  • Protractor
  • Continous Integration with Angular

Bigger enviornment

  • Backend interactions with MEAN stack
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Streaming with gulpjs

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