Adobe CouchDB is a scalable, fault-tolerant, and schema-free document-oriented database written in Erlang. It’s used in large and small organizations for a variety of applications where a traditional SQL database isn’t the best solution for the problem at hand.
This course is directed at engineers and developers seeking to deploy and develop with a CouchDB instance.
Course Outline
Installing CouchDB
- Introduction: CouchDB at a glance
- Installation: Get up and running fast
- Technical Overview: Details of the CouchDB technology
- Basics: Getting started with CouchDB
Configuring CouchDB
- Base Configuration
- couch_peruser
- CouchDB HTTP Server
- Authentication and Authorization
- Compaction Configuration
- Logging
- Replicator
- Query Servers
- External Processes
- HTTP Resource Handlers
- CouchDB Internal Services
- Miscellaneous Parameters
- Proxying Configuration
CouchDB External APIs
Query Server
- Setup
- Theory
- Node Management
- Database Management
- Sharding
JSON Structure
- All Database Documents
- Bulk Documents
- Breaking Changes
- Error Messages
- Known Problem
- Official CouchDB bug tracker