Apple IOS Application Development Course Petaling Jaya

The iPhone and iPad are awesome devices and the App Store is a great way to sell apps. Cocoa can have a challenging learning curve though, and we can help you get through it. You will learn how to use Apple’s Xcode suite to create great iPhone and iPad applications using Cocoa Touch. After the course, you will have the skills to build your dream apps using the iOS SDK.

Course Outline

1 – Introduction and Setup

· Joining the Apple iOS Developer Program

· Installing Xcode and the iOS SDK

· An Introduction to Xcode Playgrounds

2 – Swift Programming Language

· Swift Data Types, Constants, and Variables

· Swift Operators and Expressions

· Swift Flow Control

· The Swift Switch Statement

· An Overview of Swift Functions

· The Basics of Object-Oriented Programming in Swift

3 – Views, Layouts, and Storyboards

· Creating an Interactive iOS App

· An Introduction to Auto Layout in iOS

· Working with iOS Auto Layout Constraints in Interface Builder

· An iOS Auto Layout Example

· Implementing iOS Auto Layout Constraints in Code

· Implementing Cross-Hierarchy Auto Layout Constraints in iOS

· Using Storyboards in Xcode

· Organizing Scenes over Multiple Xcode Storyboard Files

· Using Xcode Storyboards to Create an iOS Tab Bar Application

4 – Data Storage with Files, iCloud, and Databases

· Working with Directories in Swift on iOS

· Working with Files in Swift on iOS

· iOS Directory Handling and File I/O in Swift – A Worked Example

· Preparing an iOS App to use iCloud Storage

· Synchronizing iOS Key-Value Data using iCloud

· iOS Database Implementation using SQLite

· Working with iOS Databases using Core Data

· An iOS Core Data Tutorial

5 – Touch, Taps, and Gestures

· An Overview of iOS Multitouch, Taps, and Gestures

· An Example iOS Touch, Multitouch, and Tap Application

· An iOS Gesture Recognition Tutorial

6 – Advanced View Options

· Basic iOS Animation using Core Animation

· iOS UIKit Dynamics – An Overview

· An iOS UIKit Dynamics Tutorial

· An Introduction to iOS Sprite Kit Programming

· An iOS Sprite Kit Level Editor Game Tutorial

· An iOS Sprite Kit Collision Handling Tutorial

· An iOS Sprite Kit Particle Emitter Tutorial

· An iOS 9 MapKit Flyover Tutorial

7 – The App Store

· Preparing and Submitting an iOS Application to the App Store


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