Building Microservices with Node.js and Seneca Training Course


Seneca is a microservices framework for Node.js.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the fundamentals of Seneca as they step through practical examples of building micro services with Seneca.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Seneca
  • Use Seneca to build micro services


  • Developers
  • Programmers

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • Web development experience

Course Outline


Understanding the Key Features and Highlights of Seneca

Logging with Seneca

Writing a Plugin with Seneca

Writing Unit Tests with Seneca

Understanding Data Entities, Query Syntax, and Prior Actions

Using Seneca with Promises

Writing a Simple RESTful Microservice with Seneca for Products with Hard-Coded Data

Hooking Seneca into the JSON File Store to Showcase Seneca’s Data Abstraction Layer

Summary and Conclusion

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