Business Analysis, BABOK V3.0 and IIBA Certification Preparation Training Course



A business/systems analyst solves business problems by designing information systems which execute the strategy defined by the business. These IT solutions generally achieve one of the following goals for the business: implement a new business process, increase efficiency and productivity of existing business processes, or reduce operating costs of existing processes.

This course is intended for Business Analysts including those who may want to go on and prepare for an IIBA Certification (CCBA or CBAP) and is consistent with the framework outlined by the BABOK® Version 3.0


  • Identify the critical principles, activities, tasks, and techniques outlined in the BABOK® V3.0
  • Understand the core knowledge areas, activities, tasks, deliverables, and their relationships:

Key Definitions:

BABOK® (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge) Standard for practice of business analysis and serving as a framework describing the tasks that must be performed.

CCBA® (Certified of Competency in Business Analysis) A certification offered through the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) requiring passing a test based on the BABOK® only after application approval which is based on education and experience.

CBAP®(Certified Business Analysis Professional) A certification offered through the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) requiring passing a test based on the BABOK® only after application approval which is based on education and experience.




  • If you are looking to take an IIBA certification exam, you should ensure that you fulfil the IIBA requirements – see for details.
  • Download and review the BABOK® V3.0 prior to this training course.

Course Outline

Introduction to IIBA Certification

  • Overview of certification process & requirements
  • BABOK® Framework
  • Knowledge Areas

Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Planning the Requirements Approach
  • Identifying and Analysing Stakeholders
  • Deciding how Requirements will be Managed and Traced
  • Estimating BA Activities
  • Planning of BA Communications
  • Determining Requirements Metrics for Monitoring and Reporting
  • Techniques for Planning

Requirements Elicitation

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Prepare for Elicitation
  • Conduct Elicitation Activity
  • Document Elicitation Results
  • Confirm Elicitation Results
  • Techniques for Elicitation

Requirements Management and Communication

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Manage Solution Scope and Requirements
  • Manage Requirements Traceability
  • Maintain Requirements for Re-Use
  • Prepare Requirements Package
  • Communicate Requirements
  • Techniques for Requirements Management and Communication

Enterprise Analysis

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Define Business Need
  • Assess Capability Gaps
  • Determine Solution Approach
  • Define Solution Scope
  • Define Business Case
  • Techniques for Enterprise Analysis

Requirements Analysis

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Prioritise Requirements
  • Organize Requirements
  • Specify and Model Requirements
  • Define Assumptions and Constraints
  • Verify Requirements
  • Validate Requirements
  • Techniques for Analysis

Solution Assessment and Validation

  • Overview, Inputs and Outputs
  • Assess Proposed Solution
  • Allocate Requirements
  • Assess Organizational Readiness
  • Define Transition Requirements
  • Validate Solution
  • Evaluate Solution Performance
  • Techniques for Solution Assessment and Validation

Underlying Competencies

  • Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Behavioural Characteristics
  • Business Knowledge
  • Communication Skills
  • Interaction Skills
  • Software Applications

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