This course focuses on holistic, structured approaced to finding bottle necks and optimizing business processes.
It is a practical workshop where participants will be given examples and later will need to solve similar cases during team exercises.
- Using the company experience in process management in other banks / sectors to illustrate the presentation
- Introducing the participants to the different process methodologies (Lean, SIX Sigma) but not full of theory about those methodologies (aim of this training is not to pass the Lean or Six Sigma certifications but to get an awareness of different methodologies to see how we can use part of it in our daily activity)
- The presentation should be oriented mostly on business issues (and not pure IT processes)
Course Outline
- Reviewing and describing a process from start to end
- from the first contact with client to end of process in back-office
- Defining key indicators to measure the process performance
- how to define the most relevant indicators
- how to measure these indicators, etc.
- Identifying areas for improvement on the process
- how to identify these improvements
- what to focus on
- what to avoid, etc.
- Proposing recommendations to improve the process
- what type of recommendations
- how to write them
- how to ensure operational recommendations, etc.
- Monitoring the improvements
- which governance structure to monitor the process improvements
- how often
- which type of reporting, etc.