APIs (Application Programming Interface) allow for your application to connect with other applications.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to write high-quality APIs as they build and secure a backend API server.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Choose from a number of frameworks for building APIs
- Understand and model the APIs published by companies such as Google and Facebook
- Create and publish their own Restful APIs for public consumption
- Secure their APIs through token-based authentication
- Developers
Format of the course
- Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice
- To customize this course for other languages, such as PHP, Javascript, etc., please contact us to arrange
- An understanding of HTTP protocol
- Web programming experience (See Note below for language options)
Course Outline
How APIs Work
Accessing a Public API
Preparing the Development Environment
Preparing a Sample Backend Application
Creating an API Endpoint
Testing the API
Debugging the API
Securing the API
Deploying the API Enabled Backend
Monitoring the API
Improving the API
RESTful APIs Best Practices
Summary and Conclusion