DNS and BIND: Setting Up, Managing and Securing Your DNS Server Training Course


DNS (domain name system) is the “phone book” of the internet, providing a directory of computer names and their IP addresses. BIND is the most common Linux implementation of DNS. When you open a website or send and receive an email, a DNS server somewhere is quietly addressing your message to its intended recipient.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn the critical features of DNS while carrying out exercises in the setup and configuration of a BIND DNS server on Linux. The course starts with a refresher on key networking principles, then digs into hands-on practice with setup and configuration. Steadily, the discussion and practices move towards more complex topics such as security, availability, debugging and troubleshooting.

Format of the Course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, heavy hands-on practice and implementation, occasional quizing to measure progress


  • Knowledge of the Unix/Linux command line (shell).
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux-based TCP/IP networks.


  • Network technicians
  • Network designers
  • System administrators

Course Outline


How DNS Works

Different Types of Name Servers

Installing BIND

Configuring BIND

Creating Zones

DNS Server and Email

Configuring Your Hosts

Maintaining BIND

Adding Name Servers

Parents and Sub-Domains

Securing Your Name Server

Stealth Configurations

Load Balancing and Failover

Deploying IPv6

Supporting International Domain Names


Dynamic DNS

Interoperability and Upgrading

Debugging Your Name Server

Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques

Summary and Conclusion

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