Effective interpersonal communication with elements of assertiveness Training Course



The training will be to review and improve the competencies needed to achieve their business objectives in terms of both individual work and teamwork, particularly through the acquisition of skills by the participants such as:

  • Building an effective communication style with others
  • Practical analysis of the barriers of communication and active techniques to prevent their occurrence
  • Building support assembly relationships
  • Effective team work
  • Awareness of mutual influence in relation team-unit and unit-team
  • The ability to use a variety of techniques to manage conflict
  • Change their attitudes and behavior modeling constructive (eg assertive posture)

Method of work

The training is designed as an interactive, where participants share is over 80% of the time. Each session follows a similar dynamic: opening a new exercise habits (to build awareness), mini-lecture on the techniques (knowledge), practicing new tactics and techniques (skills). After the close of each session, participants receive support materials for sessions discussed.

Practical material is summed giving a mini lecture explaining the theoretical basis and fundamental psychological mechanisms which participants experience while working on the training room.

Course Outline

Introduction to communication

  • the communication process and its stages
  • the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication
  • techniques and tools for effective communication

Principles of effective communication as an essential element in the effective contacts in your organization

  • own self-analysis style of communication
  • communication errors
  • communication barriers
  • stages of development of interpersonal contact
  • direct communication and telephone communication

Communicating in organizations

  • network communication in an organization
  • information flow models and their optimization
  • tasks and internal communication tools

Effective conversations

  • development of self-image as the sender and receiver of a message
  • factors affecting the quality of professional contacts between staff
  • active listening as a tool for effective communication
  • confounding factors hearing and understanding speech
  • art of asking questions
  • psychological mechanisms and techniques to influence

Steps to build the team and their impact on cooperation

  • stages of team development: principles of operation and hazards on each of them
  • way to work on all of them
  • team roles and their identification

Conflict and competition in the group as the biggest threat to cooperation

  • sources of the types of conflicts
  • strategies for dealing with conflict
  • competition in the band: pros and cons


Sources of the types of conflicts

In harmony with each other and good relations with others – the concept of assertive behavior

  • the concept of assertiveness
  • your own rights
  • when you decide to be assertive
  • types of behavior: aggressive behavior, submissive, assertive
  • building “I” messages as the basis for an assertive expression of opinions, judgments and emotions
  • why we are afraid to say “no” – what stops us
  • self-assertive treatment emanating from himself

What does it mean to respect you and each other – what happens if we agree or refuse

  • ability to deny and refuse admission
  • ability to argue
  • manipulation
  • acceptance of negative and positive responses to forms of criticism
  • giving constructive feedback

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