Enterprise Java Programming with Java EE and JBoss (EJB 3.0) Training Course


This 4-day course is for programmers who already know the Java language and wish to exploit the Enterprise Java Beans 2.0 technology while becoming aware of the security implications of distributing applications. This course has a large practical component which includes developing an e-commerce application based on Enterprise Java Beans. The course uses the JBoss Application Server.


Students must have a good working knowledge of the Java language, typically obtained by prior attendance on our Java Programming course. An understanding of Servlet programming and JDBC is assumed.

Course Outline

Enterprise Java Programming

  • From client-server to 3-tier architecture
  • Design considerations
  • Security considerations
  • Naming Services
  • Comparison of RMI, CORBA and EJB

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

  • JNDI Architecture
  • Service Providers and the Service Provider Interface
  • The Initial Naming Context
  • Looking up objects
  • Creating, searching and destroying directory entries
  • Exercise 1: JNDI File Search

Introducing Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

  • EJB concepts and versions
  • Component Transaction Monitors
  • Commercial implementations
  • The EJB Architecture
  • Persistence and transactions

Java EE and EJB Deployment

  • The JEE environment and tools
  • Configuring Java EE
  • JEE and JNDI Naming
  • EJB packaging and deployment
  • The deployment tool
  • The Hypersonic Database
  • Exercise 2: Set up JBoss

EJB Clients

  • Types of client
  • Java clients
  • Web and JSP clients
  • Servlets and WAR files
  • Exercise 3: Write and Deploy a Servlet Client


  • The role of an JPA
  • Configuring an JPA
  • Exercise 4: JPA/li>

Stateless Session Beans

  • The roles of Session Beans
  • Creating Session Beans
  • Stateless Session Beans
  • Exercise 6: Stateless Session Bean

Stateful Session Beans

  • Stateful Session Beans
  • Exercise 7: Stateful Session Bean

EJB Implementation Issues

  • Metadata
  • Transaction management
  • 1-1, 1-many, many-1 and many-many associations
  • EJB versions

The Java Messaging System

  • The Java Messaging System (JMS)
  • Exercise 8: JMS


  • Users and roles
  • Access control
  • Authentication
  • Exercise 9: JBoss Security

Message Driven Beans

  • The Message Driven Enterprise Bean
  • Exercise 10: Message Driven Bean

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