During the training, will present the issues of financial analysis using the advanced features of Excel.
This course is intended for financial analysts, accountants and all those who want to expand their skills spreadsheet with issues of financial analysis.
Requires good knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Basic knowledge of finance is also indicated.
Course Outline
Advanced functions
- The logic functions
- Mathematical and statistical functions
- Financial functions
Search and data
- Search and matching
- Functions MATCH (MATCH) and INDEX (INDEX)
- Advanced management of lists of values
- Validate the value entered in the cell
- Database Functions
- Summary data by using the histogram
- Circular references – Practical Aspects
Tables and Pivot Charts
- The dynamic description of the data using PivotTables
- Elements and calculated fields
- Visualize data using pivot chart
Working with external data
- Exporting and importing data
- Exporting and importing XML file
- Importing data from databases
- Connections to a database or an XML file
- Analyzing data online – Web Query
Analytical issues
- Option Goal Seek
- The Analysis ToolPack addition
- Scenarios, Scenario Manager
- Solver and optimization data
- Macros and create your own functions
- Starting and recording macros
- Working with VBA code
Conditional Formatting
- Advanced conditional formatting using formulas and form elements (eg box – checkbox)
Time value of money
- The current and future value of capital
- Capitalization and discounting
- Interest made simple
- Nominal and effective interest procetowa
- Cash flows
- Depreciation
Trends and financial forecasts
- Types (functions) trend.
- Forecasts
- The rate of profit
- Profitability
- Investing in securities and risk measures