This course is intended not just to introduce but to provide strong foundations and present best practices for HTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap. Fundamental concepts are introduced along with Best practices through labs and hands on exercises. For a good enough coverage of all the topics HTML is addressed along with the other topics (CSS & JavaScript).
The course is almost entirely hands on. Most of the concepts are discovered through code readings/execution & coding.
Recommended to have some understanding HTML and JavaScript.
Course Outline
- Fundamentals
- Selectors, Cascade & Heritage
- The Box Model
- Positioning & Centering
- Float, clear, Flexible Layouts & Liquid layouts
- Text Formatting & Fonts
- Backgrounds, images&Colours
- Lists & Tables
- HTML 5 & CSS3
- CSS for Mobile
JavaScript Basics
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Code
- Lexical Structure
- Types Values Variables
- Expressions and operators
- Statements
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Classes & Modules
- Regular Expressions
- Client side JavaScript
- JavaScript in Web Browsers
- The Window Object
- Scripting Documents
- Scripting CSS
- Handling Events
- Scripted HTTP
- Client side Storage
- jQuery Basics
- jQuery Getters and Setters
- Altering document structure
- Events with jQuery
- Animated Effects
- Ajax with jQuery
- Introduction to Bootstrap (Responsive design)
- Bootstrap File Structure
- The structure of the page (Grid system …)
- Typography, Forms, Symbols, Responsive images , thumbnails, colours and backgrounds …
- Components (Menus, Navigation Bars, Buttons, Modals … )
- Active Components
- Bootstrap and LESS and node.js
- JavaScript add-ons