This course has been created for everyone who is going to use Git repository.
Software developers, project managers, software architects and solutions architects, release managers, etc…
Basic knowledge of project development.
Course Outline
Git Overview
- Installing Git
- Short History of Git
- What is Git?
Git Concepts
- Focus and Design
- Git Object Types
- The Git Data Model
- Branching and Merging
- The Treeish
- The Git Directory
- Working Directory
- The Index
- Non-SCM Uses of Git
Git in Practice
- Setting Up Your Profile
- Getting a Git Repository
- Normal Workflow Examples
- Log – the Commit History
- Browsing Git
- Git Diff
- Branching
- Simple Merging
- Stashing
- Tagging
- Exporting Git
- Distributed Workflow Examples
- Sharing Repositories
- Hosted Repositories