Hadoop for Business Analysts Training Course


Apache Hadoop is the most popular framework for processing Big Data. Hadoop provides rich and deep analytics capability, and it is making in-roads in to tradional BI analytics world. This course will introduce an analyst to the core components of Hadoop eco system and its analytics


Business Analysts


three days


Lectures and hands on labs.


  • programming background with databases / SQL
  • basic knowledge of Linux (be able to navigate Linux command line, editing files with vi / nano)

Lab environment

Zero Install : There is no need to install hadoop software on students’ machines! A working Hadoop cluster will be provided for students.

Students will need the following

Course Outline

  • Section 1: Introduction to Hadoop
    • hadoop history, concepts
    • eco system
    • distributions
    • high level architecture
    • hadoop myths
    • hadoop challenges
    • hardware / software
    • Labs : first look at Hadoop
  • Section 2: HDFS Overview
    • concepts (horizontal scaling, replication, data locality, rack awareness)
    • architecture (Namenode, Secondary namenode, Data node)
    • data integrity
    • future of HDFS : Namenode HA, Federation
    • labs : Interacting with HDFS
  • Section 3 : Map Reduce Overview
    • mapreduce concepts
    • daemons : jobtracker / tasktracker
    • phases : driver, mapper, shuffle/sort, reducer
    • Thinking in map reduce
    • Future of mapreduce (yarn)
    • labs : Running a Map Reduce program
  • Section 4 : Pig
    • pig vs java map reduce
    • pig latin language
    • user defined functions
    • understanding pig job flow
    • basic data analysis with Pig
    • complex data analysis with Pig
    • multi datasets with Pig
    • advanced concepts
    • lab : writing pig scripts to analyze / transform data
  • Section 5: Hive
    • hive concepts
    • architecture
    • SQL support in Hive
    • data types
    • table creation and queries
    • Hive data management
    • partitions & joins
    • text analytics
    • labs (multiple) : creating Hive tables and running queries, joins , using partitions, using text analytics functions
  • Section 6: BI Tools for Hadoop
    • BI tools and Hadoop
    • Overview of current BI tools landscape
    • Choosing the best tool for the job

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