IBM ODM (a.k.a. WebSphere Operational Decision Manager) is a Business Rule Management System (BRMS). It consists of a central repository and automation engine that allow for the creation, management, testing and governance of business rules and events. Rules and events are stored in the central repository where they can be accessed and modified by individuals and software without the need to rebuild any software.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to create, manage and execute business rules as well as how to deploy and manage an instance of IBM ODM Decision Management in a live environment.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Manage ODM components, including IBM Decision Center and IBM Decision Server
- Manage and execute business rules and events
- Reduce the testing cycle by enabling other software applications to detect and pick up changes to rules
- Combine decision making and change detection tools to facilitate adaptation, auditing, tracing and testing
- Separate business rules from business applications for greater flexibility
- Build easy-to-maintain business rule client applications
- Use Event Designer to build business event projects
- Deploy and test business event applications
- Build a customized dashboard for monitoring business events
- Enable collaboration among architects, developers and administrators for developing and maintaining decision services
- Enable business analysts, policy managers and rule authors develop and maintain an application’s decision logic
- Developers
- Project managers
Format of the course
- Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice
- Basic knowledge of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Experience with Java Platform, Standard Edition
- Experience with business policies and rules
- Experience with the Java programming language and object-oriented concepts
- Knowledge of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
- A basic understanding of business models
Course Outline
- What is Decision Management?
Overview of Business Rules concepts
Writing rules
Querying rules
Creating templates
Packaging and deploying rule sets
Managing changes in business rules
Debug business rule applications
Integrating decision services with other services in enterprise environment
Collaborating with business stakeholders
Closing remarks