iOS Programming (iPhone/iPad) for Programmers Training Course


All the skills and knowledge you need to make your first iPhone/iPad application using the latest iOS SDK and tools.


  • Previous development experience

Course Outline

The environment

The iPhone Developer program and the tools (SDK, Xcode, IB, the iPhone/iPad simulator)

The language

  • Essential Objective-C
  • Using existing Cocoa classes and writing your own
  • The essential patterns

Performance and debugging

  • Memory management
  • Performance improvements
  • Debugging and troubleshooting
  • Multitasking
  • Multithreading essential

The User Experience

  • The application templates
  • The UI Controls
  • Creating different multi-view applications
  • The different gestures
  • UX rules and guidelines

Data management

  • Saving state
  • SQLite
  • XML
  • Core Data
  • Settings

Multimedia control and some special features

  • The camera API
  • The image picker
  • Playing and recording video
  • Playing and recording audio
  • The accelerometer
  • The proximity sensor
  • Notifications and the Event Kit
  • Quick intro on how to make 2D and 3D animations

Making location aware applications

  • Using core location

Targets and application types

  • iPhone vs iPad development
  • Universal applications
  • Intro to Web applications with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Interacting with a service
  • Hybrid applications

Delivering it to the public

  • Understanding iAd
  • Releasing to the App Store – The short path

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