The course covers the basics of Java development and introduces the Apache Maven software project management and comprehension tool.
Procedural programming language (like C, PHP, Basic, Pascal) or object oriented programming language knowledge required.
Course Outline
Getting Started
- The Java Technology Phenomenon
- How to write basic “hello world” application
- How to compile and execute Java code
- How to make the code a bit more complex
Introducing Apache Maven
- Convention over Configuration
- Maven Plugins
- Conceptual Model of a Project
Installing and Running Maven
- Downloading and Installing Maven
- Testing a Maven Installation
- Getting Help with Maven
A Simple Maven Project
- Creating a Simple Project
- Building a Simple Project
- Simple Project Object Model
Java Syntax
- Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Variables, arrays, data types, operators, and control flow
- What are reference variables
- Classes and objects
- What inheritance is and how it works
- What Interfaces are, why they are written and how
- How to use Java String and Number objects and how to format data for output
- What packages are for and why we must use import directive
Java Objects
- Java classes overview
- Java class life cycle
- Class modifiers and inheritance
- Overloading” and overriding
- Class constructors
- Polymorphism
- Relationships: IS and HAS
- ‘static’ keyword
- When to use static members
- Using objects within an application deployed with Maven
Customizing a Maven Project
- Customize Project Information
- Add New Dependencies
- Add Resources
- Building a Packaged Command-Line Application
Optimizing and Refactoring Maven POMs
- POM Cleanup
- Optimizing Dependencies
- Optimizing Plugins
- Final POMs
Java Collections
- Collection interface
- Lists, maps and sets
- Collections and arrays
- Concurrency
- Manage collections with an application deployed with Maven
Java Memory
- Garbage collector
- Heap and stack
- Object life cycle
- ‘finalize()’ method
Java Exceptions
- The general idea of Java Exceptions
- Runtime and ‘real’ exceptions
- Throwing an exception
- ‘try…catch’ statements
- ‘throws’ declaration
- Designing your own exceptions
- Test and manage exceptions with an application deployed with Maven
A multimodule project with Maven
- Building the Multimodule project
- Running the Multimodule application
Java Concurrency
- Threads and concurrency
- Threaded tasks
- Joining threads
- Class variables visibility
- Build and run a multithread application with Maven