Java Persistence with Hibernate Training Course


This course teaches the practical use of Hibernate for persisting Java objects in a relational database.


Java programming, SQL

Course Outline

Introduction to Hibernate

  • Introducing Hibernate
  • The Object/Relational Mapping Problem
  • JDBC
  • The Users-Roles Schema
  • Tools and Environment Setup
  • Creating the Database

Configuring Hibernate

  • Hibernate Distributions
  • Required Libraries
  • Configuration Files
  • hibernate.cfg.xml

Hibernate Persistence

  • The Hibernate Architecture
  • SessionFactory Methods
  • Hibernate Sessions
  • Object States
  • State Transitions
  • Session Methods
  • Transactions
  • Session-Per-Operation
  • Session-Per-Request
  • The Data Access Object Pattern

Object/Relational Mapping

  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Relational Mapping
  • Bidirectional Association
  • O/R Mapping Techniques
  • The Mapping Document
  • The Mapping XML Model
  • Primary Keys and Identity
  • Generating Identifiers
  • Other Mapping Elements
  • Components
  • Mapping Associations
  • The Mapping XML Model for Associations
  • Unidirectional Many-to-One
  • Eager Fetching
  • Bidirectional One-To-Many
  • Bidirectional One-To-One
  • Mapping Inheritance
  • Inheritance and Databases
  • Single-Table Inheritance
  • Mapping Single-Table Inheritance
  • Table-Per-Subclass
  • Table-Per-Subclass Mapping
  • Table-Per-Concrete-Class

The Hibernate Query Language

  • The Hibernate Query Language
  • Fundamentals
  • HQL Queries
  • Polymorphism
  • Named Parameters
  • Entity Parameters
  • Joining on Associations
  • Aggregate Methods
  • Updates and Deletes
  • Named Queries
  • Using Native SQL

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