JavaScript – Advanced Programming Training Course


The training is designed for JavaScript developers, designing and implementing advanced Internet applications. Topics discussed during the training aimed at bringing best practices in JavaScript programming and highlight the most common mistakes. An important point of the training is to discuss the available object-oriented programming with JavaScript syntax.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript programming
  • Fundamentals of object-oriented programming

Course Outline

JavaScript – object orientation

  • Creating classes and objects
  • The most important pre-defined objects
  • Prototyping and constructors
  • Encapsulation
  • polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Aggregation

Design Patterns

  • Singleton
  • Factory
  • Observer
  • Factory
  • Decorator
  • Strategy

Advanced JavaScript programming patterns

  • Self-timer features
  • Create an alias objects
  • Namespaces
  • module Pattern
  • Switching Libraries “on demand”
  • Basics of designing your own library


  • Fundamentals of asynchronous communication
  • The XMLHttpRequest object
  • JSON
  • And server response error handling

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