Kotlin for Java Developers Training Course


Kotlin is a modern, functional and object-oriented programming language based on Java. It is popular for Android app and server-side development.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at Java developers who wish to use Kotlin for building server-side web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Code Kotlin applications using existing Java frameworks, libraries and tooling.
  • Write a backend application with minimal boilerplate code.
  • Compile Kotlin code to JVM bytecode, JavaScript and Kotlin Native.
  • Debug and optimize Kotlin code.
  • Test and deploy a Kotlin application.

Format of the course

  • Interactive lecture and discussion.
  • Lots of exercises and practice.
  • Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.

Course Customization Options

  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.
  • To learn more about Kotlin, please visit: https://kotlinlang.org/


  • Java programming experience.


  • Developers

Course Outline


  • Advantages of Kotlin over Java

Installing and Configuring Kotlin

Overview of Kotlin Features

  • Type inference, nullability, collection operators, etc.

Preparing the Development Environment

Similarities and Differences between Kotlin and Java

  • Java Interoperability

Kotlin Syntax

  • Kotlin standard library, data structures, operators

Creating an Application

Controlling the Application Flow

Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin

Functional Programming with Kotlin

Compiling Kotlin code to JVM Bytecode

Interweaving Kotlin and Java in the Same Application

Securing Your Application

  • Nullability

Compiling Kotline code to JavaScript and Kotlin Native.

Testing Strategies for Kotlin Applications

Debugging Kotlin Code

Summary and Conclusion

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