Model Based Development for Embedded Systems Training Course


Model Based Development (MBD) is a software development methodology that enables faster, more cost-effective development of dynamic systems such as control systems, signal processing and communication systems. It relies on graphic modeling rather than the traditional text based programming.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to apply MBD methodologies to reduce development costs and accelerate the time to market of their embedded software products.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to

  • Select and utilize the right tools for implementing MBD.
  • Use MBD to carry out rapid development in the early stages of their embedded software project.
  • Shorten the release of their embedded software into the market.

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • Programming experience
  • A general understanding of embedded system development


  • Embedded systems engineers
  • Developers and programmers

Course Outline

Introduction to Model Based Development

Overview of the “system model”

Mathematical modeling approaches

Establishing the requirements

Defining the system

Designing the model

Preparing your MBD toolkit

Verifying and validating the model

  • Simulation tools and practices: Simulink and StateFlow

Engineering safety-critical embedded software

Tools and approaches for testing your application

Detecting and mitigating failures

Reusing test suites

Refining algorithms through multi-domain simulation

Serial code generation

  • Tools and practices: TargetLink

SCM tools for managing MBD

Using a common design environment across teams

Deploying across multiple processors and hardware types


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