Monitoring Your Resources with Munin Training Course


Munin is an open-source monitoring tool that helps system administrators monitor resources such as servers, workstations, networks, SANs, applications, network devices, etc. It shows resource trends and provides insights into questions such as “what just happened to kill our performance?” It includes visualization tools and is available on various flavors of Linux and FreeBSD.

Format of the Course

  • Heavy emphasis on hands-on practice. Most of the concepts are learned through samples, exercises and hands-on development.


  • Experience with Linux/Unix.
  • General understanding of scripting languages.
  • Experience or interest in system and/or network administration.


  • System administrators
  • Network administrators
  • Network engineers
  • IT managers
  • IT administrators

Course Outline


  • Master-node architecture


  • Requirements
  • Master and node setup

Monitoring with Munin

  • Visualizing resources and trends
  • Graphing system
  • Data logging
  • Integration with Nagios
  • Monitoring Windows nodes

Working with Plugins

Working with the API

Troubleshooting Munin

Closing Remarks

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