MPICH is an open-source, portable message passing interface (MPI) standard that provides a simplified MPI implementation in various computation and communication platforms.
This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers and programmers who wish to install, configure, and manage MPICH features.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to implement, write, manage, and monitor MPI programs using MPICH.
Format of the Course
- Interactive lecture and discussion.
- Lots of exercises and practice.
- Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.
Course Customization Options
- To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.
- Experience in programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran
- Developers
- Programmers
Course Outline
Overview of Message Passing Interface (MPI) Features and Architecture
- Parallel computing basics
- The MPI process
Getting Started with MPICH
- Installation and configuration options
- Shared libraries
- Installing process managers
Programming Basics with MPI
- Writing, compiling, and linking programs
- Compilation commands
- Using Makefiles
Running Programs with MPI
- Standard mpiexec
- Process management extensions
- Remshell restrictions
Sending and Receiving Messages
- Message-passing routines
- Buffer and types (tags)
- Using library calls
- Broadcast and reduction
Coordinating Communications in MPI
- Synchronization
- Collective patterns, routines, and operations
- Creating groups
Working with Buffering Issues
- Blocking and non-blocking communication
- Fairness in message-passing
- Communication modes
Understanding Datatypes and Objects in MPI
- Basic datatypes
- Vectors and structures
- Interleaving data
- MPI objects and references
Writing Message-Passing Libraries
- Attributes
- Sequential sections
- Managing and caching tags
Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Programs
- The MPI timer
- Profiling interface
- Logging
Integrating Multiple Programs
- Sending and exchanging data between programs
- Using intercommunicators
Summary and Conclusion