The OCSMP Model Builder – Fundamental examination tests knowledge and skills required to construct a basic SysML model of a system. The examination covers model concepts and organization, basic requirements capture and management, structure and behavior models, parametric models, allocation relationships, and use of stereotypes. Using the knowledge and skills covered at this level plus familiarity with a suitable SysML modeling tool, a holder of the OCSMP Model Builder – Fundamental Certification should be a productive contributor to modeling tasks performed by a Systems Engineering team employing a model-based systems engineering approach using SysML. The OCSMP Model Builder – Fundamental Certification is a prerequisite for the program’s two higher levels, and requires the OCSMP Model User Certification as its prerequisite.
This examination (as well as the others in the OCSMP series) tests your ability to apply the knowledge and skills listed here in the context of a model of a system. As you study, go beyond each individual diagram to understand how aspects that it models can influence or affect aspects of the system represented in other diagram types.
OMG Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP)
The OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Professional (OCSMP) Certification is awarded to Systems Engineers who demonstrate excellent skills and knowledge in model-based systems engineering.
For more information, please visit: https://www.omg.org/ocsmp/
Delegates need to have a prior OCSMP Model User certification before attending the training
Course Outline
Model Concepts
- What is a model
- Relationship between model and diagram
Organizing a System Model using the basic set of SysML constructs
- Building the model hierarchy
- Building a package diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
Building a Requirements Model using the basic set of SysML constructs
- How system requirements are captured in the model
- Building a requirements diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
- Requirements relationships to other model elements
- Representing requirements in tables and matrixes
- Building a use case model using the basic set of SysML constructs
Building a Structural Model using the basic set of SysML constructs
- How system structure is captured in the model
- Building the block definition diagram
- Building the internal block diagram
Building a parametric model using the basic set of SysML constructs
- How system analyses are captured using constraints in the model
- Defining constraints on a block definition diagram
- Building the parametric diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
Building a Behavioral Model using the basic set of SysML constructs
- How system behavior is captured in the model
- Building an activity diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
- Building a sequence diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
- Building a state machine diagram using the basic set of SysML constructs
Allocation Relationships
- Allocation Relationships
Customizing a model
- When to use a stereotype
- Applying a stereotype (but not creation of profiles or stereotypes)