Oracle SQL Intermediate – Data Extraction Training Course


The objective of the course is to enable participants to gain a mastery of how to work with the SQL language in Oracle database for data extraction at intermediate level.


Recommended attendance on the “Oracle SQL for Beginners” training course

Course Outline

Limiting results

  • The WHERE clause
  • Comparison operators
  • LIKE Condition
  • Prerequisite BETWEEN … AND
  • IS NULL condition
  • Condition IN
  • Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT
  • Many of the conditions in the WHERE clause
  • The order of the operators.
  • DISTINCT clause

SQL functions

  • The differences between the functions of one and multilines
  • Features text, numeric, date,
  • Explicit and implicit conversion
  • Conversion functions
  • Nesting functions
  • Viewing the performance of the functions – dual table
  • Getting the current date function SYSDATE
  • Handling of NULL values

Aggregating data using the grouping function

  • Grouping functions
  • How grouping functions treat NULL values
  • Create groups of data – the GROUP BY clause
  • Grouping multiple columns
  • Limiting the function result grouping – the HAVING clause


  • Place subqueries in the SELECT command
  • Subqueries single and multi-lineage
  • Operators Subqueries single-line
  • Features grouping in subquery
  • Operators Subqueries multi-IN, ALL, ANY
  • How NULL values ​​are treated in subqueries

Operators collective

  • UNION operator
  • UNION ALL operator
  • INTERSECT operator
  • MINUS operator

Further Usage Of Joins

  • Revisit Joins
  • Combining Inner and Outer Joins
  • Partitioned Outer Joins
  • Hierarchical Queries

Further Usage Of Sub-Queries

  • Revisit sub-queries
  • Use of sub-queries as virtual tables/inline views and columns
  • Use of the WITH construction
  • Combining sub-queries and joins

Analytics functions

  • OVER clause
  • Partition Clause
  • Windowing Clause
  • Rank, Lead, Lag, First, Last functions

Retrieving data from multiple tables (if time at end)

  • Types of connectors
  • The use NATURAL JOIN
  • Aliases tables
  • Joins in the WHERE clause
  • Cartesian product

Aggregate Functions (if time at end)

  • Revisit Group By function and Having clause
  • Group and Rollup
  • Group and Cube

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