PHP and MYSQL Course Melbourne.

PHP is a widely-used programming language that works on the principle of server-side scripting to produce dynamic Web pages. It can be easily integrated with HTML and SQL to produce these dynamic web pages and is often used to process the contents of a Web page form as it is more secure and reliable than JavaScript.

You will learn how PHP can be combined with MySQL to create a very powerful online database engine. This course will be of great interest to IT and Web development professionals who would like to learn more about using PHP and MySQL to integrate database functions into Websites, and to learners who would like to learn more about the functionality of PHP and MySQL.


· Why use PHP and MySQL?

· The PHP programming environment

· Overview of SQL

Setting up a PHP page

· The phpinfo() function

· Learning basic syntax

· Echoing HTML output to the browser

· The importance of comments

· Using single and double quotes

Variables in PHP

· Using loose typed variables

· Assigning variables

· Overview of numeric, string, and other types

· Assigning a variable to itself

Logical operators

· Arithmetic operators

· Logical operators

· Comparisons

· Operator precedence

Numbers in PHP

· Making calculations

· Using built-in numeric functions

· Incrementing and decrementing

Strings in PHP

· Concatenating strings

· Trimming strings

· Removing slashes and other harmful characters

· String functions

Transferring information between PHP pages

· GET and POST

· Different form field types

· Self-referencing forms

· Form handlers

Database fundamentals

· Structuring a database

· Using tables

· Table relationships

· Common data types

Getting PHP to connect to MySQL

· Using the mysql_connect() function

· Using the mysql_select_db() function

· Testing a connection

Querying MySQL using PHP

· Writing SQL queries

· Using Select, Insert, Update, and Delete

· Querying MySQL and returning results

· Interpreting the returned array

Building a Web Application

Creating pages to-

· Add entries

· Modify entries

· List entries

· Filter entries

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