Laravel is an open-source MVC framework, itself based on the PHP-based Symfony framework. With Laravel you’ll get a modular packaging system with a full-featured Dependency manager, and plenty of data access, deployment, testing and other management tools.
Laravel Introduction and Setup
- Introduction to Laravel and the Laravel ecosystem
- Homestead (Local development environment)
- Installing Laravel
- Laravel overview
- The container
The basics
- Routing
- Controllers
- Middleware
- Forms and Requests
- Blade templates
- Responses
- Built-in authentication scaffolding
- Eloquent models
- Migrations
- Seeders
- Factories
- Collections
Taking it further
- Resource controllers
- Container binding
- Blade templates
- URL generation
Authentication & authorization
- Middleware
- Policies
- Email verification
Events and Jobs
- Events
- Listeners
- Subscribers
- Model events
- Jobs
- Queues
- Queue worker
Managing and Maintaining your Laravel Project
- File system
- Caching
- Console commands
- Logging
- Dealing with APIs
- Scheduling tasks
- Testing
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