React JS Training Korea

Recently I did React JS training at Easy generator , ISM APAC . I covered following topics during the training.

Day 1

Node.js Fundamentals

• Node.js building blocks

• The main capabilities of the environment

• Package management

Introduction to ReactJS

• History of front end libraries

• Motivation for using React

• Key differentiators (Virtual DOM, One way binding)

• Thinking in React

• Architectural Decision

• Life cycle methods

React Components

• React component

• Render function

• Component API

• Component lifecycle

• State

• Props

• Mixins


React internals

• Basic concept

• Component elements

• Render cycle

Day 2

Component inter communication

• Component composition

• Pass data from parent to child

• Pass data from child to parent

Component styling

• Radium

• CSS Modules


Performance optimizations

• Pure Render Mixin

• Expensive DOM manipulations Performance tools

Working with API

• Dynamic data from the API

• Creating a state

• Calling the API

Day 3

React Advanced

• Context API

• Redux and Redux middlewares


• Testing (Advanced Testing methods)

• Routing

• Server side rendering

• Solid principles in React projects


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