Reactive Programming with Angular RxJS Training Course


Reactive programing is an asynchronous programing paradigm that focuses on data streams and the propagation of data by establishing a defined dependency between the underlying execution models and the emitted data streams from one component to another. Many Angular application design inefficiencies when building asynchronous UIs can be overcome by utilizing reactive style patterns offered by the RxJS library.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to implement Observable patterns into their Angular application designs as they step through a series of cases showcasing common angular design problems and how they benefit from reactive programing designs.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the reactive programing paradigm and the RxJS library.
  • Build UI heavy Angular applications with scalability, flexibility, and responsiveness in mind using reactive programming patterns.

Format of the Course

  • Interactive lecture and discussion.
  • Lots of exercises and practice.
  • Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.

Course Customization Options

  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.


  • A solid foundation in Angular coding.
  • An understanding of basic web technologies.
  • Experience with Typescript.


  • Angular application developers

Course Outline



  • Basic usage and terms
  • Defining observers
  • Subscribing
  • Creating observables
  • Multicasting
  • Error handling

The RxJS Library

  • Creation functions
  • Operators
  • Common operators
  • Error handling
  • Handling failed observable
  • Naming conventions

Observables in Angular

  • Event emitter
  • HTTP
  • Async pipe
  • Router
  • Reactive forms

Practical Usage

  • Type-ahead suggestions
  • Exponential backoff

Observables vs Promises

  • Creation and subscription
  • Chaining
  • Cancellation
  • Error handling

Observables vs Events API

Observables vs Arrays

Summary and Conclusion

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