Typescript Unit Testing Training Course


TypeScript is an open source language for building enterprise Javascript applications. It is a strict superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain Javascript and brings static typing and object-oriented development to the language.

This instructor-led, live training introduces TypeScript’s unit testing features and frameworks. Participants get a chance to put theory to practice by constructing a collection of unit tests that can be run against real-life applications.

Format of the Course

  • Interactive lecture and discussion.
  • Lots of exercises and practice.
  • Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.

Course Customization Options

  • This course will focus on the frameworks that can be used to unit test a Javascript or Typescript application (Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, Chai, etc.).
  • UI frameworks such as React are optional and can be covered if desired.
  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.


  • An understanding of software testing concepts
  • Javascript or Typescript programming experience
  • An understanding of NodeJs


  • Developers

Course Outline


  • Understanding Unit Testing

Overview of Typescript Unit Test Frameworks

  • Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, Chai
  • Unit test uses cases

Setting up the Testing Environment

  • Downloading and installing the libraries
  • Installing and configuring an IDE
  • Setting up a sample application

Overview of Typescript

  • Typescript vs Javascript and other languages
  • Understanding Typescript syntax and features

Writing Your First Unit Test

  • Setting up a test
  • Writing a test definition
  • Working with nested scoping
  • Creating assertions
  • Running the unit test

Debugging the unit test

  • Stepping through the code
  • Creating breakpoints
  • Setting up debug tasks

Expanding the Unit Test

  • Writing a complex Typescript class
  • Writing stubs and mocks
  • Creating a Test Suite

Writing More Tests

  • Testing Node.js
  • HTTP endpoint unit tests
  • Testing a REST APIs
  • Writing an integration test
  • Testing React components (optional)


Summary and Conclusion

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