Unreal Engine 4 Training Course


Unreal Engine is an industry-leading suite of game development tools for creating 3D games. It has been used to develop many of today’s games and series, including Borderlands, Gears of War, BioShock, and Mass Effect.

This instructor-led, live training covers the fundamentals of game development with Unreal Engine 4 while giving participants the chance to create their own sample game.

Format of the Course

  • Discussion + a strong emphasis on hands-on design and development. Occasional quizzes to measure progress and understanding. Lots of instructor feedback and engagement.


  • Desire to learn game development.
  • Programming experience not required.


  • Beginner game developers

Course Outline


Setting up Your Development Environment

Fundamentals of C++ for Gaming

Customizing the Unreal UI

Creating Your First Project

Creating Landscapes

Blocking out Levels

Assembling a Scene

Applying Materials and Creating Special Effects

Exporting and Importing Assets for Use in the Design

Adding Post-Processing Effects

Crafting a Unique Look

Unreal’s Visual Scripting Language and the Blueprint Editor

Creating Cinematics

Optimizing Performance

Packaging Your Game for Distribution

Summary and Conclusion

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