Writing Simpler Cleaner Code with C++ 17 Training Course


C++ 17 (C++17) is the latest version of the C++ programming language. It adds several new “big” language features with the aim of helping programmers write simpler, cleaner and more expressive code.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn about C++ 17’s most important new features as they step through the creation of a sample C++ application. Case studies and interactive discussions will be combined with hands-on practice to demonstrate how to get the maximum benefit out of C++ 17. By the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and practice to make the best use of C++ 17 for writing clearer, simpler, higher-quality C++ code.


  • Intermediate C++ developers

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • Experience with programming in C++

Course Outline


  • What’s new in C++ 17?

Core Language Updates in C++ 17

Library Updates in C++ 17

C++ 17’s Top Features for Writing Simpler, Cleaner Code

Structured Bindings and Decomposition Declarations

Init Statement for if/switch

Inline Variables

Constexpr if

Fold Expressions

Template Argument Deduction for Class Templates

Declaring Non-type Template Parameters with Auto

Summary and Conclusion

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