AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Training Course Philippines.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (Architecting on AWS) Course Overview

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Training is a globally-recognized cloud computing certification for professionals and enterprise team members. This course is ideal for professionals who have hands-on experience in developing cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on the AWS platform. Checkout the schedule below to find a suitable date for you to enrol for the AWS training program and to earn the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate credential.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has changed the market dynamics for businesses and consumers globally. AWS has now become the de-facto standard or strategy for enterprises globally to ensure their services are run 24/7 round the clock irrespective of the geographical location. With companies using the AWS platform to deliver on-demand cloud computing services on a paid subscription basis, it needs employees who have an in-depth understanding of the AWS platform.

This AWS Certified Solutions Architect training would help participants to plan, design, and scale AWS services across multiple cloud computing services. This AWS Solutions Architect course is also aligned with the latest AWS Exam (SAA C0-2), and Amazon designated best practices.

Module 1: Architecting Fundamentals Review

  • AWS Services and Infrastructure
  • Infrastructure Model
  • AWS API Tool
  • Securing your infrastructure
  • The Well-Architect Framework

Module 2: Account Security

  • Security Principals
  • Identity & Resource-Based Policies
  • Account Federation
  • Introduction to Managing Multiple Accounts

Module 3: Networking, Part 1

  • IP Addressing
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, Patterns and Quotas
  • Routing
  • Internet Access
  • Network Access Control Lists
  • Security Groups

Module 4: Compute

  • Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute
  • EC2 Instances and Instance Selection
  • High Performance Computing on AWS
  • Lambda and EC2, When to Use Which
  • Hands-On Lab: Build Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure

Module 5: Storage

  • Shared File Systems
  • Shared EBS Volumes
  • Amazon S3, Security, Versioning and Storage Class
  • Data Migration Tools

Module 6: Database Services

  • AWS Database Solutions
  • Amazon Relational Database Services
  • DynamoDB, Features and Use Cases
  • Redshift, Features, Use Cases and Comparison with RDS
  • Scaling
  • Caching & Migrating Data
  • Hands-on Lab: Create a Database Layer in Your Amazon VPC Infrastructure

Module 7: Monitoring and Scaling

  • Monitoring CloudWatch, CloudTrail
  • Invoking Events
  • Elastic Load Balancing
  • Auto Scaling Options and Monitoring Cost
  • Hands-on Lab: Configure High Availability in Your Amazon VPC

Module 8: Automation

  • Cloud Formation
  • AWS Systems Manager

Module 9: Containers

  • Microservices
  • Monitoring Microservices with X-Ray
  • Containers

Module 10: Networking Part 2

  • VPC Peering & Endpoints
  • Transit Gateway
  • Hybrid Networking

Module 11: Serverless Architecture

  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS
  • Amazon Kinesis Data Streams & Kinesis Firehose
  • Step Functions
  • Compare Amazon SQS to Amazon MQ
  • Hands-on Lab: Build a Serverless Architecture

Module 12: Edge Services

  • Amazon CloudFront
  • AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF), DDoS and Firewall Manager
  • Compare AWS Global Accelerator & Amazon CloudFront
  • Hands-On Lab: Configure an Amazon CloudFront Distribution with an Amazon S3 Origin

Module 13: Backup and Recovery

  • Planning for Disaster Recovery
  • AWS Backup
  • Recovery Strategies


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