BDD with Python and Behave Training Course


Behave is an open-source, Python-based BDD framework for writing tests in a natural language style.

BDD, or Behavior Driven Development, is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration among developers, QA and non-technical business people in a software project.

This instructor-led, live training begins with a discussion of BDD and how the Behave framework can be used to carry out BDD testing for web applications. Participants are given ample opportunity to interact with the instructor and peers while implementing the concepts and tactics learned in this hands-on, practice-based lab environment.

By the end of this training, participants will have a firm understanding of BDD and Behave, as well as the necessary practice to implement these techniques and tools in real-world test scenarios.

Format of the Course

  • Heavy emphasis on hands-on practice. Most of the concepts are learned through samples, exercises and hands-on development.


  • Basic Python programming experience.
  • Knowledge of automated testing.


  • Testers and Developers

Course Outline


  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)
  • BDD as a collaboration tool for software engineers, test engineers and business people

Defining Your Project Requirements

Setting up Your Environment for Web Application Testing

Gherkin: Writing Your Stories in a User-Friendly Language

The Anatomy of the Feature File

Writing Your First Feature

Writing Scenarios for Your Feature

Writing Step Definitions

Passing Parameters to Steps

Creating Scenario Outlines to Pass Multiple Arguments

Sharing Data between Steps

Organizing Features and Scenarios with Tags

Setup and Teardown

Summary and Conclusion

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