Blockchain Development with Coinbase Training Course


Blockchain is a decentralized database system which stores data in ledgers distributed across many nodes. Coinbase is a blockchain platform used to transact with digital currencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to develop blockchain applications with Coinbase.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand blockchain, its foundations, and how it works
  • Explore the products and features of Coinbase for developers
  • Start building their own Blockchain apps with the Coinbase API


  • Developers
  • IT Professionals

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • Experience with web development and programming
  • General familiarity with Blockchain technology

Course Outline


Understanding the Blockchain Technology

  • Understanding Distributed Ledgers
  • What is Blockchain?
  • Understanding How Blockchain Networks Work
  • Understanding the Benefits of Blockchain
  • Overview of Blockchain Use Cases

Understanding the Foundations of Blockchain Technology

  • Symmetric Information
  • Historical Integrity
  • Extensible Security
  • Democratic Authenticity
  • Decentralization and Fault Tolerance

Overview of Coinbase

Using the Coinbase Digital API

  • Overview of the Coinbase Digital API
  • Using Client Libraries
  • Using API Key Authentication
  • Configuring Permissions
  • Setting Up Notifications
  • Using Multisig API
  • Understanding Error Codes

Using OAuth2 (Coinbase Connect)

  • Overview of the OAuth2 Protocol
  • Integrating Your Web Application with Coinbase Connect
  • Mobile Integration with Coinbase Connect
  • Setting Up OAuth2 Permissions
  • Setting Up OAuth2 Two Factor Authentication
  • Using Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens
  • Best Practices in Security with OAuth2

Coding a Bitcoin Wallet

  • Authenticating with the Coinbase API
  • Installing the Coinbase API Client
  • Creating a Bitcoin Wallet
  • Sending Bitcoin Programmatically
  • Retrieving Data from Your Bitcoin Wallet

Sending and Receiving Bitcoin Using Your Coinbase Wallets

  • Receiving Funds by Generating Bitcoin Addresses
  • Sending Funds from Coinbase Wallet to a Bitcoin Address or Email
  • Requesting Funds
  • Facilitating Free Transactions

Buying and Selling Bitcoin Using the Coinbase API

Retrieving Real-Time Bitcoin Price Data Using Coinbase API

Using Coinbase Buy Widget to Embed Coinbase Buy Functionality into Your Website and Applications

Using the GDAX API


Summary and Conclusion

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