Building Web Apps using the MEAN stack Training Course


Course Objective:

MEAN stack is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you write scalable, robust, and maintainable web applications quickly and easily using MongoDB, express, AngularJS, and Node.js.

By the end of this hands-on intensive training course, the students will be able to:

  • Store the data in NoSQL, document-oriented MongoDB database that brings performance and scalability.
  • Use Node.js, the server-side platform built on Google V8’s runtime for building fast, scalable network applications.
  • Use Express, a simple yet powerful web application development HTTP server framework built on top of Node.js.
  • Use AngularJS framework that offers declarative, two-way data binding for web applications.
  • Take advantage of the ‘full-stack JavaScript’ paradigm i.e. store documents in JSON-like format in MongoDB, author JSON queries in Node.js/Express.js, and forward these JSON documents back to an Angular-based frontend.
  • Get acquainted with the latest web application development trends in the IT industry.


Knowledge of JavaScript and HTML

Course Outline


  • Getting started with Node.js
  • Node Package Manager
  • Modules
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Callbacks
  • Events
  • Streams
  • Web Sockets


  • Angular Architecture
  • Modules, Controllers and Scope
  • Views
  • Two-way Binding
  • Built-in and Custom Directives
  • Event Directives
  • Expressions
  • Built-in and Custom Filters
  • Understanding the Digest Loop
  • Forms and Validation
  • AngularJS Service Types
  • Factories, Providers, Decorators, DI
  • Creating Custom Services
  • Consuming Ajax Web Services via $http and $resource
  • Routing, Redirects, and Promises


  • MVC Pattern
  • Introduction to Express
  • Routing
  • HTTP Interaction
  • Handling Form Data
  • Handling Query Parameters
  • Cookies and Sessions
  • User Authentication
  • Error Handling
  • Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
  • Using Templates


  • Understanding NoSQL MongoDB
  • Finding Documents
  • Update, Insert, and Upsert
  • Indexing
  • Data Modeling
  • Aggregation

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