CakePHP Fundamentals Training Course


This course teaches PHP developers how to build functional web applications using the popular CakePHP MVC web development framework. The course covers beginning principles and approaches, then moves into advanced topics that help enhance the behavior, flexibility and security of an application. Discussions are interactive and the learning is practical and hands-on.

Format of the Course

  • Overview of CakePHP features and capabilities together with step-by-step development of a sample application.


  • Knowledge of PHP, Javascript, HTML, and CSS are required.
  • Basic understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is useful.


  • Web developers wishing to develop better web applications more rapidly

Course Outline


  • Why CakePHP?

Understanding MVC (Model View Controller)

Installing CakePHP

Creating Your First CakePHP Application

Controller: Controlling the Logic Flow in Your CakePHP Application

Model: Modeling Your Data in CakePHP

ORM (Object Relational Mapping): Mapping Table Relationships

View: Creating the User Interface for Your CakePHP Application

Baking Your CakePHP Application

Setting up User Authentication

Creating and Using Components

Adding SEO Functionality

Optimizing Your Application

Debugging Your Application

Data Validation

Error and Exception Handling

Unit Testing Your Code

Customizing the View to Improve the User Experience

Configuring Helpers in the Presentation Layer

Adding Support for I18N (Internationalization) and L10N (Localization)

Implementing Javascript and Ajax Features

Tracking Application Changes with the Events System

Enhancing the Model Using Behaviors

Changing Your Database Scheme Using the Migrations Plug-in

Routing in CakePHP

Creating Your Own APIs for REST, Authentication, etc.

Caching and Optimization

Deploying Your Web Application

Migrating Existing Websites to CakePHP

Summary and Conclusion

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