CL110 Certification Training Course Singapore.

Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Domain Operators (CL110) Course Overview

The focus of Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Cloud Operators (CL110) will be managing OpenStack using both the web-based dashboard and the command-line interface, in addition to managing instances and installing a proof-of-concept environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director. Essential skills covered in the course include configuring Red Hat OpenStack Platform (using the director UI); managing users, projects, flavors, roles, images, networking, and block storage; setting quotas; and configuring images at instantiation.

Module 1: Introduction to Red Hat OpenStack Platform

  • Describe OpenStack personas, launch an instance, and describe the OpenStack components and architecture.

Module 2: Manage application projects in a multitenant cloud

  • Create and configure projects with secure user access and sufficient resources to support cloud user application deployment requirements.

Module 3: Manage OpenStack networking

  • Describe how IP networks are implemented in OpenStack, including fundamental TCP/IP stack behavior, software-defined networking elements, and the common types of networks available to self-service cloud users.

Module 4: Configure resources to launch a non-public instance

  • Configure the requisite resource types for launching a basic non-public instance, including vCPUs, memory, and a system disk image, and launch an instance of an application component that runs in a tenant network with no public access.

Module 5: Configure virtual machine system disks

  • Identify the available choices for configuring, storing and selecting blockbased virtual machine (VM) system disks, including the choice of ephemeral or persistent disks for specific use cases.

Module 6: Provide additional storage strategies

  • Identify the available choices for additional cloud storage techniques, including object-based storage, network file sharing, and volumes sourced from a file sharing service.

Module 7: Configure resources to launch an instance with public access

  • Identify and configure the additional resource types required to launch instances with public access for specific use cases, including networking and access security elements.

Module 8: Automate customized cloud application launches

  • Configure and deploy a typical multi-tier cloud application stack, defined as an architected template of scalable VM instances, including perinstance launch customizations.

Module 9: Manage cloud application placement

  • Introduce overcloud layouts more complex than a single site, and explain the management resources to control the placement of launched instances, including segregation elements such as cells and availability zones, and placement attributes such as requisi


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