Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Ed 1 Training Course


Java Platform Enterprise Edition 7 (also known as Java EE 7) is a structured application used to develop large-scale, multi-tiered, scalable, and secure enterprise applications.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to install, manage, and implement Java EE 7 to develop enterprise applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to create, manage, implement, deploy, and secure enterprise applications and web services using Java EE 7.

Format of the Course

  • Interactive lecture and discussion.
  • Lots of exercises and practice.
  • Hands-on implementation in a live-lab environment.

Course Customization Options

  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.


  • Knowledge of XML, SQL, and Java programming
  • Experience with application development


  • Developers

Course Outline


Overview of Java EE 7 Platform Features and Architecture

  • Containers, APIs, and services
  • Lifecycle and memory scopes
  • Enterprise JavaBeans
  • Supporting technologies

Getting Started with Java EE 7 Platform Basics

  • Installation
  • Packaging, deployment, and injection
  • Web applications introduction

Managing Persistence with Java EE 7

  • Java Persistence API
  • Creating and executing queries
  • Creating and managing entities
  • Access control with locking
  • Fetch plans

Implementing the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Technology

  • Enterprise, session, and message-driven beans
  • Contents and lifecycle
  • EJB operations and transactions
  • Creating EJB methods and timers
  • Session components
  • Applying interceptors

Working with Java Message Service (JMS) API

  • Basic JMS API concepts
  • Programming model and features
  • Writing simple JMS applications
  • Transactions and message-driven beans
  • Implementing message producers and consumers

Building Web Services with Java EE 7 Platform

  • Web services types
  • Building web services with JAX-WS
  • Building RESTful web services with JAX-RS
  • Accessing REST resources

Creating Web Applications Using Java Servlets

  • Servlet lifecycle
  • Creating and initializing a servlet
  • Writing service methods
  • Uploading files
  • Asynchronous servlets
  • Interceptors and filters
  • HTTP headers, parameters, and cookies

Creating Web Applications Using Java Service Pages (JSP)

  • JSP lifecycle
  • JSP syntax
  • Errors
  • Tag libraries
  • Expression language and CDI beans

Building Java Applications with WebSockets

  • Programmatic and annotated endpoints
  • Sending and receiving messages
  • Encoders and decoders
  • Path parameters
  • Endpoint configurator class specification

Developing Web Applications Using JavaServer Faces (JSF)

  • User interface component model
  • Navigation model
  • JavaServer Faces lifecycle
  • Partial processing and rendering
  • Converters, listeners, and validators
  • Expression language and CDI beans
  • Produce messages
  • JSF tag libraries

Securing Java Applications with Java EE 7 Platform

  • Security mechanisms and containers
  • Working with realms, users, groups, and roles
  • Securing connection with SSL
  • Web application security
  • Enterprise application security
  • Certification and authentication


Summary and Conclusion

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