This course deals with developing web applications in PHP. The course has been created for people already familiar with other procedural programming languages. During the course participants will learn how to create a simple dynamic application with PHP and a MySQL database.
Good HTML knowledge required, any basic procedural language knowledge recommended (C, Pascal, Basic, etc.)
Course Outline
PHP Language Syntax and Basic Concepts
- PHP Install and Libraries
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP String
- PHP Operators
- If…Else, Switch
- Arrays
- While Loops
- For Loops
- Functions
- Forms
- Forms feedback, GET and POST
- PHP Include
Data Structures
- Associative arrays
- Session variables, global variables, cookies
- Date
- File and File Upload
- Cookies and Sessions
- Error Handling
- Exceptions Handling
- PHP Filter
Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- classes
- access modifiers
- constructors
- inheritance
Using Databases
- connect to the database
- storing passwords
- executing queries
- processing data
- modifying and removing data
- binding form to records in the database
- authorization and authentication
- using cookies and sessions
Dealing with Images
- GD Library and alternatives
- SimpleXML
- Expat Parser