Spring and Hibernate in Java Applications Training Course


The course covers issues related to the creation of Java applications with particular emphasis on technology widely used today in applications such as application frameworks for building Spring and Hibernate. The participants at the end will have knowledge to design applications and to select the appropriate technology for a specific solution. Enable understanding of known issues discussed in the course of libraries, specifications and technologies.


Since participants are expected to be familiar with programming in Java.

Course Outline

Component-oriented programming

  • Design Pattern Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
  • Architectural Overview Spring

Spring Application Context

  • Configuration files
  • Mapping objects

Factory components and its use

Programming in Spring AOP

The use of new technologies in the Spring

MVC Spring

  • Create an application using Spring MVC
  • Combining Spring MVC with Java Server Faces

Introduction to Hibernate

  • Architecture/Structure
  • The life cycle of objects and identify objects

Hibernate in Action

  • Mapping tables on POJO category
  • Construction of POJO category
  • Mapping properties of the columns in the tables
  • Establishing relationships between objects

Transactions in Hibernate

  • Local and global transactions
  • Overview of API transactions
  • Levels of transaction

Language HQL – Hibernate Query Language

Combining Hibernate and Spring applications

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